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Gorilla Original Ornament

Gorilla Original Ornament
Gorilla Original Ornament

Gorilla Original Ornament

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The Gorilla is the largest of the great ape species and the next closest relative to humans after the two chimpanzee species. There are two types of Gorillas; the Mountain Gorilla and the Lowland Gorilla, both of which are on the endangered species list primarily due to poaching. These highly intelligent, large, ground-dwelling, primarily herbivore mammals live in family groups called troops. Each troop consists of one Silverback male, several females and their off spring. The silverback is the leader of the troop. He makes all the decisions, moves the group, and protects them. The average life span of the Gorilla is 30 to 50 years. Like man, Gorillas can laugh and show emotion to each other. Gorillas have been taught sign language. They also can make and use tools.

Using our detailed, specie specific, hand painted Tiny Ones figurines; we carefully mount a gold tone eyelet and gold tone cord so you can display your favorite specie anywhere, like your Christmas tree, or rear view mirror. Each figurine is wearing a warm winter scarf, which can be removed in the summer! Individually packaged and labeled, these little decorations are ready to give as a gift for birthdays or holidays!
Your Price:$11.99

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